Do you want to know more about a day in the life of an FSSP student? Incoming UC Santa Barbara students and their families are invited to sign up for an informational webinar! Join us live to learn more about this six-week experience designed to immerse newly admitted freshmen in a vibrant and supportive learning community this summer. You'll get exclusive information about program offerings, benefits of participation, and have an opportunity to ask questions.
Build Your Community

Housing & Meals
All FSSP students will live on campus in the San Nicolas Residence Hall, overlooking the lagoon and the Pacific Ocean. San Nicolas is conveniently situated near classrooms, the De La Guerra Dining Hall, and the UCSB Library. FSSP students have easy access to recreation rooms, sand volleyball courts, and community lounges. Program participants also enjoy a meal plan that includes 17 meals per week, redeemable at De La Guerra Commons.
For more information about food resources around UC Santa Barbara, please visit the Associated Students Food Bank.
For basic needs resources, please visit the Student Needs Advising Center.
Please note: There may be some pandemic-related public health and safety restrictions in effect during FSSP. We will update this page with information as conditions change. All students participating in FSSP must be in compliance with the UC COVID-19 vaccination requirement.