Please note: The following information does not apply to Pre-College Programs. For more information on costs and payment policies, visit RMP Cost of Attendance or SRA Cost of Attendance.
Petition for a Refund
Please note that the deadline to submit a refund petition for Summer Quarter 2024 has passed.
Generally, you should this form if you are seeking a refund for tuition, late payment fees or other fees associated with Summer Sessions courses after the drop deadline listed on the Deadlines chart. Please note that GOLD will automatically refund your tuition fees if you drop your course(s) within the posted drop deadline for each Summer Session.
While the digitized forms make it possible to submit almost instantaneously, the review process is manual and may take up to three weeks to complete. We ask for your patience in awaiting a response, and suggest you read the form carefully to determine expected processing time. Thank you for your understanding.
When to Expect a Refund:
Students can expect a refund of fees associated with a summer course in the event that course is dropped in GOLD prior to the published drop deadline for that session. If all summer courses are dropped prior to the listed deadline(s), the campus-based fee will also be refunded. GOLD will automatically refund fees to the student’s BARC account within five days. To familiarize yourself with the deadlines to drop with a refund for each session in Summer 2025, view our Deadlines chart.
After the refund deadline has passed, refunds will not be considered except in cases of verifiable illness, accidents, death of immediate family, or university error.
After the summer quarter ends, retroactive refunds will not be considered except in cases of university error.
When NOT to Expect a Refund:
The following reasons do not qualify as unforeseen or extenuating circumstances and therefore will not be eligible for an exception to the refund policy:
Lack of knowledge or understanding of Summer Sessions deadlines, policies, and regulations
Lack of knowledge of enrollment status and/or non-attendance
Issuance of an add code after the deadline to drop with a full refund has passed
Reliance on enrollment cancellations due to payment delinquency, lapsing or non-payment
Insufficient, delayed, and/or cancellation of financial aid award
Conditions or chronic illnesses that remain static and are known to the student at the time of the original registration/enrollment
Dissatisfaction with course(s) and/or grade received