Summer Sessions Late Registration/Late Add Petition
Submit this form if either of the following conditions apply to you.
You would like to re-enroll in a course or courses after you were lapsed/dropped due to non-payment of fees.
You would like to add a course or courses to your summer schedule after the deadline to add a course with an approval code has passed, and you have already been given an add code by the instructor.
While the digitized forms make it possible to submit almost instantaneously, the review process is manual and may take up to three weeks to complete. If you have been lapsed from your courses, you should contact your instructor(s) to request guest access to Canvas in order to keep up with your coursework while your petition is being processed. We ask for your patience in awaiting a response, and suggest you read the form carefully to determine expected processing time. Thank you for your understanding.
Explained: Adds and Drops During Summer Sessions
Students may use GOLD for schedule adjustments until the respective deadline for the session has passed. Important deadlines for each session can be viewed on the Deadlines Chart.
Adding Courses
After the “Last Day to Add” date for a session has passed, a petition or a course approval code (which can be obtained from the instructor) is required to add a course until the “Last Day to Add With Code” date for the session. These dates are listed on the Deadlines chart.
Dropping Courses
The last date to drop a course on GOLD is the drop deadline date listed for each session. For refund deadlines, see the “Drop With Full Refund” dates for each session on the Deadlines chart.
What do I do if the pertinent deadline has passed?
Returning UCSB students and newly admitted College of Letters and Science students must contact L&S Advising for any schedule alterations.
Newly admitted College of Engineering and College of Creative Studies students should contact the Summer Sessions office for all schedule changes.
If you would like to completely withdraw from Summer Sessions, please visit our Cancellations & Withdrawals page for next steps.