Cost of Attendance

The cost of attendance for FSSP is variable, depending on the number of units that you choose to take to meet your individual educational goals. Keep in mind that international and out-of-state students pay the same amount as California residents during the summer term, and all undergraduates benefit from a 12-unit fee cap

For information about affordability options, please visit Financial Aid & Savings.

Estimated Program Cost

Variable Costs

Per-unit course fee 

Housing and meals*

*Estimated fees based on triple occupancy. Cost is higher with single or double occupancy.

Fixed Costs

Non-refundable application fee

Non-refundable programming and activity fee

Student technology fee 

Campus-based fee

Estimated UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP)* 

*All UC students are required to have medical insurance. UC SHIP cost is subject to change. Click to learn more about UC SHIP or review coverage waiver processes and deadlines.



two students posing in front of the sunset at the beach, wearing FSSP program t-shirts