Online Courses

UC Santa Barbara offers an ever-expanding selection of fully online courses during the summer, so that students can make progress toward their educational goals from wherever they may be! Additional online courses are being added each day, and the best way to find them is by looking in GOLD for a course location of “ONLINE”, or “ON ASYNC” for asynchronous courses. The Summer 2025 course schedule will be available in GOLD beginning March 24, 2025.

Below are some frequently asked questions we receive regarding online courses. If you don’t see your question below, feel free to get in touch with us and a member of our team will be happy to help you.

students on laptops in library

Online Courses FAQ

Students register for online courses through GOLD, UC Santa Barbara’s course registration system. Click here to see registration steps categorized by student status. Click here for a registration timeline.

Online classes will be delivered in either a synchronous or asynchronous format. Synchronous courses have components delivered on specific days and times, requiring attendance and participation. Asynchronous online courses do not have a designated meeting time, allowing students to self-pace and engage with course material according to their own schedule. Please note that some courses will have a blend of the two formats, such as an asynchronous lecture but a synchronous discussion. Students should reference GOLD for the most current information regarding the meeting method.

Online pedagogies can vary substantially. While some courses allow for a certain degree of self-pacing, others have assignments or required activities frequently (even daily). Course meetings may also occur synchronously or asynchronously. Students who regularly miss required assignments or activities may be dropped for non-participation, just as students can be dropped from in-person courses for non-participation. 

To learn more about the expectations for a course you are considering, first locate the course in GOLD. Click the “Course Info” button to read the most current information about the course. If you still have questions, please reach out to the instructor or department offering the course. For example, if you are interested in taking COMM W 107, reach out to an academic advisor in the Department of Communication. 

As the start date of your course approaches, log in to Gauchospace to view the syllabus and look out for any email announcements the instructor may send out before instruction begins, as these may help you to better understand the expectations for your specific online course. Please note that the Gauchospace page for your course may restrict access, or lack robust information, until instruction is about to start. 

UC students can explore courses offered through other UC campuses this summer. Click to view summer offerings through UC Online. Keep in mind that it is a student's responsibility to confirm course transferability with their home department. 

Yes, campus-based fees are assessed to all registered students regardless of the mode of instruction of the course(s). These fees are voted in by student referenda and fund co-curricular programs, activities, and services that directly benefit students. These services include, but are not limited to, counseling, advising, tutoring, student information systems, and programs. Students who are not physically on campus can still access these services remotely, and financial aid packages take these fees into account regardless of the mode of instruction. 

For more information about summer fees, or to estimate the cost of attendance, review our Cost of Attendance web page. 

All tuition charges will be assessed and paid through UC Santa Barbara’s billing system, BARC

If a student is enrolled in a mix of in-person and online courses, tuition will be broken into two separate charges because of the different modes of instruction. Online course tuition will be labeled “SS-Online Course Unit Fee”. Please note that UC students can benefit from the fee cap — once a student has paid for 12 units during Summer Quarter (in-person or online), no additional unit fees will be incurred.

If a student is enrolled in a mix of in-person and online courses, tuition will be broken into two separate charges because of the different modes of instruction. Online course tuition will be labeled “SS-Online Course Unit Fee”. Despite online and in-person classes being broken into two different tuition charges, UC students will not incur additional unit charges if they are enrolled in more than 12 units.

Summer 2025 Online Courses

Courses Preview
Department Course Name Course Title Units Session GE's
Anthropology ANTH 102 Activist Anthropology 4 A
Anthropology ANTH 113 Indigenous Peoples 4 A
Anthropology ANTH 2 Introductory Cultural Anthropology 5 A D, NWC
Anthropology ANTH 5 Introductory Biological Anthropology 5 B C
History of Art and Architecture ARTHI W 6C Modern-Contemporary Art History 5 B E, F, EUR, WRT
History of Art and Architecture ARTHI W 6R Rome the Game 5 A E, F, EUR, WRT
History of Art and Architecture ARTHI W 6R Rome the Game 5 B E, F, EUR, WRT
Asian American Studies AS AM 100CC Filipino Americans 4 A ETH
Asian American Studies AS AM W 1 Introduction to Asian American History, 1850-Present 4 B D, AMH, ETH
Physics ASTRO W 1 Basic Astronomy On Line 4 B C, QNT
Physics PHYS 100A Methods of Theoretical Physics 4 A
Physics PHYS 7A Basic Physics 4 A
Physics PHYS 7B Basic Physics 4 B
Black Studies BL ST 126 Comparative Black Literature 4 B G, NWC, WRT
Black Studies BL ST 127 Black Women Writers 4 A G, ETH, WRT
Black Studies BL ST 3 Introduction to African Studies 4 B E, NWC
Comparative Literature C LIT 113 Trauma, Memory, Historiography 4 B E, G, WRT
Comparative Literature C LIT 128A Children's Literature 4 A G, WRT
Comparative Literature C LIT 30B Major Works in European Literature 5 A E, G, EUR, WRT
Comparative Literature C LIT 33 Major Works of African Literatures 5 A G, NWC, WRT

Technical Support

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with regard to your online curriculum, you can request support from two sources: