Summer Savings


We view summer as a season of growth and possibility, and we strive to offer cost savings and financial incentives to keep opportunity affordable. Learn more about our summer savings opportunities below including Financial Aid, In-State Tuition, 12-unit Undergraduate Fee CapSummer Access Grant, and Scholarship Courses.


Financial Aid 

Summer financial aid packages are available to qualified students. It is important to note that packages are calculated based on actual summer enrollment data, and will be adjusted if a student makes schedule alterations.In order to be considered, a student must have a 2024-2025 FAFSA or CADAA on file. For additional information and instructions, read through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship's Summer Aid page.


In-State Tuition Benefits

Summer Quarter is unique in that it is the only optional quarter in the academic year, and as such, things happen a little differently! All students pay the same tuition and fees as a California resident during the summer months, allowing international and out-of-state students to benefit from cost savings while making progress to degree. To learn more about the structure of fees in the summer, visit our Cost of Attendance page.


two friends on beach

12-Unit Undergraduate Fee Cap

For UC students, the undergraduate fee cap is only 12 units this summer!  This means that no matter how many units a UC undergraduate students registers for, they will only be charged unit fees for a maximum of 12 units total during Summer Quarter.

Summer Access Grant

UC Santa Barbara is excited to offer a Summer Access Grant (previously known as the housing incentive) during Summer 2025, to support students who wish to leverage Summer Sessions to achieve their educational goals. This incentive credits eligible students enrolled in 12 units or more with up to $1000 to offset summer cost-of-living expenses! Make the most of your summer by focusing on your coursework, knowing that your room and board expenses are substantially subsidized while you make progress toward your degree objectives. Students can qualify for this incentive whether living in university-owned housing, an Isla Vista residence, or farther afield. Open the accordions below for more information.

  • UCSB Scholarship Eligible
  • California Resident or AB540 Eligible 
  • Enroll in 12+ units during Summer Quarter 2025*

*If your registration drops below 12 units, you may lose eligibility for this incentive. Your award may be rescinded and you will be held responsible for any outstanding balance.

The 2025 application will open on May 1, 2025. Applicants will be evaluated and funding will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until all available funds have been exhausted. Priority consideration will be given to students who submitted their application by June 1, 2025.

If you are a newly admitted student participating in the Freshman Summer Start Program (FSSP) or Transfer Edge, and you meet the eligibility requirements listed above, you will automatically be considered for the incentive. No additional action is required from you. 

For questions about this opportunity, please email For inquiries about specific apartments, living conditions, meal plans, and other details pertaining to housing, please email

Scholarship Courses

Each summer, a small selection of courses offer scholarships to qualified students, to offset the unit fees associated with the course. These scholarships are intended to reduce barriers to enrollment for students who have passion that exceeds financial resources. To learn more about courses that offer scholarships during Summer 2025, visit our Course Spotlight page and use the filter functionality to check the box next to "Scholarship Offered".

In order to apply for a course scholarship, students should follow the steps below.

  1. Register for the course in GOLD.
  2. Once registered, prepare a 300-500 word essay explaining why you are interested in the course. You may also share any information about pressing financial need, though this is optional.
  3. Use your UCSB NetID to log in to the Summer Sessions Course Scholarship submission portal. Complete the simple digital submission form to upload your essay for consideration.

Award decisions will be made on a rolling basis, and students may be eligible to receive more than one course scholarship per Summer Quarter.