Cancellations & Withdrawals

If you are registered for Summer Sessions but have had a change of plans, there are two courses of action available to you. 

You can cancel your Summer Quarter if the session you are enrolled in has not yet begun. 

You can withdraw from one or more sessions if instruction for that session has already begun. 

How To: Cancel Summer Sessions Registration

Students who have registered for summer courses, but are no longer planning to attend Summer Sessions, have the option to CANCEL their Summer Quarter prior to the first day of instruction of the first enrolled session.

If your courses are in Session(s) B, F, or G only, you can cancel until August 3, 2025.

To cancel, complete the following steps. 

  1. Log in to GOLD.

  2. Navigate to the “Progress” menu.

  3. Select “Petitions”. 

  4. Select “Initiate Quarter Cancellation Petition”.

  5. Ensure that the selected quarter is “Summer 2025”. 

  6. Follow the steps outlined to confirm cancellation of your quarter.


PLEASE NOTE: International students are not permitted to cancel through the process outlined above. If you are an international student and you will no longer be participating in Summer Sessions, you must complete the withdrawal petition linked below in order to cancel or withdraw. 

How To: Withdraw from Summer Quarter 

Submit this withdrawal petition if the first enrolled session of your Summer Quarter has begun, and you no longer plan to remain enrolled in any courses within any summer session this summer. The day the Office of the Registrar receives this form is the official withdrawal date and is used to determine the refund of fees, if any. Please note that if you are in paid status, there are no refunds for courses dropped or withdrawn from after a session's Drop with Refund deadline. View our Deadlines chart for more information. 

If you intend to remain enrolled in any courses within any summer sessions this summer, please refer to our Late Adds/Drops page for the appropriate late drop procedure, based on your college.

While the digitized forms make it possible to submit almost instantaneously, the review process is manual and may take up to three weeks to complete. We ask for your patience in awaiting a response, and suggest you read the form carefully to determine expected processing time. Thank you for your understanding. 

How To: Cancel or Withdraw from a Summer Academic Program

Cancellation processes are handled differently for our academic programs.

Click to view the cancellation policies for the Freshman Summer Start Program or Transfer Edge.

For information on fees and policies related to Pre-College Programs, visit SRA Cost of Attendance or RMP Cost of Attendance and look for the accordion item "Withdrawal + Refunds".