Each summer there are hundreds of courses scheduled across seven sessions of varying length, and anybody is welcome to take a UC Santa Barbara course through open enrollment! Whether you’re looking to explore a new academic discipline, gain mastery in a subject area that interests you, or accelerate your progress to degree, you’re invited to build a summer schedule that works for you.
The list of courses below is intended to help you begin planning your summer while some course details, such as instructor and class time, are still being finalized. Please note that there may be some changes and additions to this course list as summer registration approaches.
Utilize the filter tool to find courses that will meet your needs. Planning to be on the move this summer? Use the Location filter to find online courses (to learn more about online education, click here). For more information regarding the GE Requirement abbreviations listed below, click here.
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Department | Course Name | Course Title | Units | Session | GE's |
Anthropology | ANTH 102 | Activist Anthropology | 4 | A | |
Anthropology | ANTH 109 | Human Universals | 4 | B | D |
Anthropology | ANTH 111 | The Anthropology of Food | 4 | B | |
Anthropology | ANTH 113 | Indigenous Peoples | 4 | B | |
Anthropology | ANTH 133 | Cultural Development in Mesoamerica | 4 | B | |
Anthropology | ANTH 138TS | Archaeology of Egypt | 4 | B | E, NWC, WRT |
Anthropology | ANTH 2 | Introductory Cultural Anthropology | 5 | A | D, NWC |
Anthropology | ANTH 2 | Introductory Cultural Anthropology | 5 | B | D, NWC |
Anthropology | ANTH 3SS | Introduction to Archaeology | 5 | B | D, NWC |
Anthropology | ANTH 5 | Introductory Biological Anthropology | 5 | B | C |
Art | ART 100 | Intermediate Contemporary Painting Issues | 4 | A | |
Art | ART 100 | Intermediate Contemporary Painting Issues | 4 | B | |
Art | ART 110 | Intermediate Print | 4 | B | |
Art | ART 117 | Intermediate Drawing | 4 | A | |
Art | ART 125 | Art Since 1950 | 4 | B | F |
Art | ART 130 | Visual Arts as Culture | 4 | A | |
Art | ART 130 | Visual Arts as Culture | 4 | B | |
Art | ART 14 | Lower Division Print | 4 | B | |
Art | ART 18 | Lower Division Drawing | 4 | A | |
Art | ART 1A | Visual Literacy | 5 | A | F, WRT |
Art | ART 10 | Introduction to Painting | 4 | A | |
Art | ART 10 | Introduction to Painting | 4 | B | |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI W 6C | Modern-Contemporary Art History | 5 | B | E, F, EUR, WRT |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI W 6R | Rome the Game | 5 | A | E, F, EUR, WRT |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI W 6R | Rome the Game | 5 | B | E, F, EUR, WRT |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI 136I | The City in History | 4 | B | E, F |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI 142E | Architecture, Planning, and Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris | 4 | A | |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI 5A | Introduction to Architecture and Environment | 4 | B | F, WRT |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI 6E | Survey: Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Native North America | 5 | A | F, NWC |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI 6F | Survey: Architecture and Planning | 5 | A | F, WRT |
History of Art and Architecture | ARTHI 6L | Survey-Cltrl. Hst. Games | 5 | B | E, F, WRT |
Asian American Studies | AS AM 100CC | Filipino Americans | 4 | A | ETH |
Asian American Studies | AS AM 118 | Asian Americans in Popular Culture | 4 | A | F, ETH |
Asian American Studies | AS AM 124 | Comparative Ethnic American Literature | 4 | A | |
Asian American Studies | AS AM 158 | Asian Americans Aesthetics | 4 | B | |
Asian American Studies | AS AM 5 | Introduction to Asian American Literature | 4 | B | G, ETH |
Asian American Studies | AS AM W 1 | Introduction to Asian American History, 1850-Present | 4 | B | D, AMH, ETH |
Physics | PHYS 6AL | Introductory Experimental Physics | 1 | A | C, QNT |
Physics | PHYS 6B | Introductory Physics | 3 | B | C, QNT |
Physics | PHYS 6BL | Introductory Experimental Physics | 1 | B | C, QNT |
Physics | PHYS 6C | Introductory Physics | 3 | A | C, QNT |
Physics | PHYS 6CL | Introductory Experimental Physics | 1 | A | C, QNT |
Physics | PHYS 7A | Basic Physics | 4 | A | |
Physics | PHYS 100A | Methods of Theoretical Physics | 4 | A | |
Physics | PHYS 7B | Basic Physics | 4 | B | |
Physics | PHYS 103 | Intermediate Mechanics | 4 | A | |
Physics | PHYS 104 | Advanced Mechanics | 4 | B | |
Physics | PHYS 110A | Electromagnetism | 4 | A | |
Physics | ASTRO W 1 | Basic Astronomy On Line | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Physics | PHYS 110B | Electromagnetism | 4 | B | |
Physics | PHYS 115A | Quantum Mechanics | 4 | B | |
Physics | PHYS 128AL | Advanced Experimental Physics | 5 | A | WRT |
Physics | PHYS 129L | Introduction to Scientific Computation | 4 | A | |
Physics | PHYS 23 | TBD | 4 | B | |
Physics | PHYS 6A | Introductory Physics | 3 | A | C, QNT |
Black Studies | BL ST 1 | Introduction to African-American Studies | 5 | A | D, AMH, ETH, WRT |
Black Studies | BL ST 126 | Comparative Black Literature | 4 | B | G, NWC, WRT |
Black Studies | BL ST 127 | Black Women Writers | 4 | A | G, ETH, WRT |
Black Studies | BL ST 3 | Introduction to African Studies | 4 | B | E, NWC |
Black Studies | BLST 109 | Empire: the Geopolitics of Race | 4 | B | |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 128A | Children's Literature | 4 | A | G, WRT |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 30A | Major Works in European Literature | 5 | B | E, G, EUR |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 30B | Major Works in European Literature | 5 | A | E, G, EUR, WRT |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 30C | Major Works in European Literature | 4 | B | E, G, EUR, WRT |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 32 | Major Works of Middle Eastern Literatures | 5 | B | G, NWC, WRT |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 33 | Major Works of African Literatures | 5 | A | G, NWC, WRT |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 34 | Literature of the Americas | 5 | A | G, WRT |
Comparative Literature | C LIT 113 | Trauma, Memory, Historiography | 4 | B | E, G, WRT |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST 109 | Indigenous People and the Nation State in the Americas | 4 | B | |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST 163 | Health Inequities | 4 | B | |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST 189 | Immigration and the U.S. Border | 4 | B | ETH |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST 1A | Introduction to Chicano/a Studies: History | 5 | B | D, AMH, ETH, WRT |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST 1C | Introduction to Chicano/a Studies | 5 | A | D, AMH, ETH, WRT |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST W 184A | Chicana Writers | 4 | B | G, ETH, WRT |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST W 1B | Introduction to Chicano/a Studies: On Line | 4 | A | D, AMH, ETH, WRT |
Chicano/a Studies | CH ST W 1B | Introduction to Chicano/a Studies: On Line | 4 | B | D, AMH, ETH, WRT |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 109C | Organic Chemistry | 4 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 123 | Fundamentals of Environmental Chem | 3 | B | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 150 | Analytical Chemistry | 3 | B | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 173A | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry | 3 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 1B | General Chemistry | 3 | A | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 1C | General Chemistry | 3 | A | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 25 | Introductory Chemistry | 5 | B | C, QNT |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 2AL | General Chemistry Lab (Part A) | 2.5 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 2BL | General Chemistry Lab (Part B) | 2.5 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 6AL | Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry | 3 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 6BL | Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry | 3 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 6CL | Organic Chemistry Lab | 3 | C | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM W 142A | Biochemistry | 3 | B | |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | CHEM 109B | Organic Chemistry | 4 | C | |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | JAPAN 1 | First-Year Japanese I | 5 | D | |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | JAPAN 165 | Popular Culture in Japan | 4 | B | E, NWC, WRT |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | EACS 4A | East Asian Traditions: Pre-modern | 5 | A | E, NWC, WRT |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | JAPAN 2 | First-Year Japanese II | 5 | E | H |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | EACS 4B | East Asian Traditions: Modern | 4 | B | E, NWC, WRT |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | JAPAN 3 | First-Year Japanese III | 5 | F | B, H |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | KOR 1 | First Year Korean | 5 | D | |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | KOR 121A | Advanced Korean | 5 | A | B, H |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | KOR 2 | First Year Korean | 5 | E | H |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | CHIN 103 | Reading and Writing in Chinese | 4 | D | |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | KOR 3 | First Year Korean | 5 | F | B, H |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | CHIN 40 | Popular Culture in Modern Chinese Societies | 4 | B | F, NWC, WRT |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | KOR W 153 | Korean Popular Culture | 4 | A | E |
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies | CHIN W 80 | Masterpieces in Chinese Literature On Line | 4 | A | G |
Classics | CLASS 109 | Race and Ethnicity in the Graeco-Roman World | 4 | A | |
Classics | CLASS 36 | The World of Heroes | 4 | A | |
Classics | CLASS 40 | Greek Mythology | 5 | B | G, EUR |
Computer Science | CMPSC 111 | Introduction to Computational Science | 4 | B | |
Computer Science | CMPSC 16 | Problem Solving with Computers I | 4 | C | |
Computer Science | CMPSC 162 | Programming Languages | 4 | A | |
Computer Science | CMPSC 24 | Problem Solving with Computers II | 4 | C | |
Computer Science | CMPSC 40 | Foundations of Computer Science | 5 | A | |
Computer Science | CMPSC 64 | Computer Organization and Logic Design | 4 | B | |
Computer Science | CMPSC W 8 | Introduction to Programming | 4 | A | |
Computer Science | CMPSC W 8 | Introduction to Programming | 4 | B | |
Computer Science | CMPSC W 9 | Intermediate Python Programming | 4 | B | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 114 | Psychology of Gender | 4 | B | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 197 | Topics App Psy | 4 | B | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 271A | Hosford Clinic Practicum | 1 | A | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 271A | Hosford Clinic Practicum | 1 | B | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 271A | Hosford Clinic Practicum | 1 | G | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 101 | Helping Relationships: Theory and Practice | 4 | B | WRT |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 102 | Research in Applied Psychology | 4 | A | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 102 | Research in Applied Psychology | 4 | B | |
Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology | CNCSP 112 | Positive Psychology Across the Lifespan | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 133 | Media and Children | 4 | A | |
Communication | COMM W 146 | Understanding and Detecting Human Deception | 4 | A | |
Communication | COMM 148 | Risk Communication | 4 | E | |
Communication | COMM W 146 | Understanding and Detecting Human Deception | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 152 | Communication & Organizational Membership | 4 | D | |
Communication | COMM W 188 | New, Politics & Democracy | 4 | B | |
Communication | INT W 188C | Transfer Exploration Seminar: Ways of Thinking and Practicing in Communication | 1 | B | |
Communication | COMM 154 | Video Game Research | 4 | F | |
Communication | COMM W 188 | New, Politics & Democracy | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 160ME | Special Topics in Communication | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 1 | Introduction to Communication | 5 | A | D, WRT |
Communication | COMM 160MH | Special Topics: Navigating Close Relationships and Mental Health | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 1 | Introduction to Communication | 5 | B | D, WRT |
Communication | COMM 166 | Marketing Communication | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 102 | Understanding Mass Communication Theory | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 169 | Social Networks | 4 | A | |
Communication | COMM 103 | Media, Race, and Ethnicity | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 178 | Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication | 4 | A | |
Communication | COMM 105 | Sports, Culture, and Communication | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 179 | Music Communication | 4 | G | |
Communication | COMM 109 | Language and Social Identity | 4 | D | |
Communication | COMM 185 | Communication Technology and Relationships | 4 | A | |
Communication | COMM 111 | Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction | 4 | G | |
Communication | COMM 88 | Communication Research Methods | 5 | A | |
Communication | COMM 112 | Media Industries in a Changing Social World | 4 | A | |
Communication | COMM 88 | Communication Research Methods | 5 | B | |
Communication | COMM 117 | Persuasion | 4 | F | |
Communication | COMM 89 | Theories of Communication | 5 | A | |
Communication | COMM 121 | Communication and Conflict | 4 | F | |
Communication | COMM W 107 | Interpersonal Communication | 4 | B | |
Communication | COMM 124 | Family Communication | 4 | G | |
Communication | COMM W 113 | Media Effects on Individuals | 4 | B | |
Theater and Dance | THTR 194A | Group Studies in Acting and Directing | 1 | A | |
Theater and Dance | THTR 5 | Introduction To Acting | 3 | A | F |
Theater and Dance | THTR 5 | Introduction To Acting | 3 | B | F |
Theater and Dance | THTR W 19 | Design Fundamentals for Dance and Theater ONLINE | 4 | B | |
Theater and Dance | THTR W 2B | Performance in Global Contexts: Asia | 4 | B | F, NWC, WRT |
Theater and Dance | DANCE 163 | ADVANCED IMPROV | 3 | G | |
Theater and Dance | DANCE 41 | Summer Modern Dance | 2 | B | |
Theater and Dance | DANCE 51 | Improvisation | 3 | G | |
Theater and Dance | DANCE W 36 | History of Modern Dance ONLINE | 4 | B | F, WRT |
Theater and Dance | THTR 104A | Playwriting Workshop | 4 | B | |
Theater and Dance | THTR 143 | The People's Voice | 4 | D | F |
Theater and Dance | THTR 144A | Shakespeare Production | 4 | F | |
Theater and Dance | THTR 144B | Shakespeare Production | 4 | G | |
Theater and Dance | THTR 146 | Launch Pad | 4 | D | |
Earth Science | EARTH W 20 | Geological Catastrophes ONLINE | 4 | A | C, QNT |
Earth Science | EARTH W 20 | Geological Catastrophes ONLINE | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Earth Science | EARTH 10 | Antarctica | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Earth Science | EARTH 118 | Summer Field Geology | 8 | A | |
Earth Science | EARTH 123 | The Solar System | 4 | A | C, QNT, WRT |
Earth Science | EARTH 2 | Principles of Physical Geology | 4 | A | C, QNT |
Earth Science | EARTH 4 | Introduction to Oceanography | 4 | A | C |
Earth Science | EARTH 7 | Dinosaurs | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | ECE 15A | Fund of Logic Des | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 171 | Introduction to Game Theory | 4 | G | |
Economics | ECON 3A | Financial Accounting | 5 | A | |
Economics | ECON 3B | Financial Accounting | 5 | B | |
Economics | ECON 100B | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory | 4 | D | |
Economics | ECON 5 | Statistics for Economics | 5 | B | |
Economics | INT W 188E | Transfer Start Seminar: Economics | 1 | B | |
Economics | ECON 101 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 9 | Introduction to Economics | 5 | B | |
Economics | ECON 10A | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory | 5 | B | |
Economics | ECON W 118 | Financial Accounting Analysis and Planning | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 114B | Economic Development | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 133 | Topics in Macroeconomic Theory | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 134A | Financial Management | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 135 | Monetary Economics | 4 | G | |
Economics | ECON 136A | Intermediate Accounting | 5 | B | |
Economics | ECON 136C | Intermediate Accounting | 4 | A | |
Economics | ECON 137A | Managerial Accounting | 4 | B | |
Economics | ECON 140A | Introduction to Econometrics | 4 | E | |
Economics | ECON 140B | Introduction to Econometrics | 4 | E | |
Economics | ECON 150A | Labor Economics | 4 | B | |
Teacher Education Progam | ED 261 | Language and Culture in Teaching and Learning | 4 | D | |
Teacher Education Progam | ED 322 | Instructional Design for Elementary Teachers | 1 | G | |
Teacher Education Progam | ED 323F | Instructional Design for Secondary Teachers | 1 | G | |
Teacher Education Progam | ED 341 | Student Teaching - Introduction to Secondary Instruction | 3 | G | |
Education | ED 111 | Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development | 4 | A | |
Education | ED 111 | Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development | 4 | B | |
Education | ED 123 | Culture, Development, and Education | 4 | A | |
Education | ED 123 | Culture, Development, and Education | 4 | B | |
Education | ED W 119 | Framework for Teaching and Learning in K-12 | 4 | C | |
Education | ED W 125 | Schooling in the U.S. ONLINE | 4 | A | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 120 | Introduction to Ecology | 4 | A | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 127 | Plant Biology and Biodiversity | 4 | A | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 131 | Principles of Evolution | 4 | A | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 159 | Tropical Ecology | 4 | B | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 170 | Biology of the Marine-Land Interface | 4 | A | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 2 | Introductory Biology II-Ecology and Evolution | 3 | B | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 40 | Ecology of Disease | 4 | B | C |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB 7 | Principles of Evolution & Animal Physiology for Brain Sciences | 3 | B | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB W 146 | Biometry - ONLINE | 4 | A | |
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | EEMB W 22 | Concepts and Controversies in the Biological Sciences ONLINE | 4 | A | C |
English | ENGL 134AA | Studies in the Literature of Cultural and Ethnic Communities in the United States: Asian American Literature | 4 | A | G, AMH, ETH, WRT |
English | ENGL 134AL | AfroLatinidades Theory and Criticism | 4 | B | G, AMH, ETH, WRT |
English | ENGL 134PC | African-American Literature: Post Civil Rights | 4 | A | G, ETH, WRT |
English | ENGL 146AB | Audiobooks and Podcasts | 4 | A | |
English | ENGL 147AP | Animating Poetics: Stop-Motion as LIterary Analysis | 4 | A | |
English | ENGL 15 | Introduction to Shakespeare | 5 | A | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 165IB | Topics in Literature - Indigenous Border Studies | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 184 | Modern European Literature | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 192DF | Science Fiction: Dystopian Fiction | 4 | B | G |
English | ENGL 192FE | Science Fiction: Fantasy and Ecology | 4 | A | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 10 | Introduction to Literary Study | 5 | A | |
English | ENGL 193 | Detective Fiction | 4 | A | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 10 | Introduction to Literary Study | 5 | B | A2 |
English | ENGL 193 | Detective Fiction | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 103B | British Literature from 1789 to 1900 | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 22 | Literature and the Environment | 4 | A | G |
English | ENGL 115 | Medieval Literature | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 23 | The Climate Crisis: What It is and What Each of Us Can do About It | 4 | B | E, G |
English | ENGL 122UE | Cultural Representations | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 50 | Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Literatures | 5 | A | G, ETH, WRT |
English | ENGL 124 | Readings in the Modern Short Story | 4 | B | G, WRT |
English | ENGL 50 | Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Literatures | 5 | B | G, ETH, WRT |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT W 120 | Transferring to the Research University | 2 | B | |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT W 25 | Bridge to STEM | 4 | B | |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT 138CC | Creative Climate Communications | 5 | B | |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT 138ST | Storytelling with Time: Rhetorical and Creative Considerations | 5 | A | |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT 138VS | Visual Storytelling and the Museum | 5 | B | |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT 35LT | Experiencing Shakespeare | 8 | B | G, EUR |
L&S/Undergraduate Education | INT 37UD | Utopian Dreaming: History, Science Fiction, and Isla Vista | 5 | B | |
Engineering Science | ENGR 101 | Ethics in Engineering | 3 | A | WRT |
Engineering Science | ENGR W 3 | Introduction to Programming | 3 | B | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 1 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | 5 | A | D, WRT |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 117 | Transition to a Low Carbon Society | 4 | A | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 129 | Ecopsychology | 4 | A | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 130C | Aquatic Food and Resource Management | 4 | A | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 137 | Conservation Planning | 4 | B | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 159 | Special Topics in Environmental Studies: Public Lands | 4 | A | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 172 | Waste Management: Product Stewardship, Recycling and Renewable Energy | 4 | B | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 193TK | Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Honoring All Our Relations | 4 | B | |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 2 | Introduction to Environmental Science | 5 | B | C, WRT |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 3 | Introduction to the Social and Cultural Environment | 5 | A | E, WRT |
Environmental Studies | ENV S 60 | Applied Ecology | 5 | B | |
Exercise & Sports Studies | ESS W 3 | Nutrition For Health-ONLINE | 3 | A | |
Exercise & Sports Studies | ESS W 3 | Nutrition For Health-ONLINE | 3 | B | |
Exercise & Sports Studies | ESS W 9 | Principles of Health Promotion-ONLINE | 2 | A | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 101B | History of Cinema: The Development of Sound Film | 5 | B | WRT |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 109EM | Topics in Film Production: Environment Media, Part A | 4 | A | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 109EP | Special Topics in Film Production: Environmental Media, Part B | 4 | F | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 110 | Professional Development | 4 | B | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 150FT | Fairy Tale Cinema | 4 | A | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 155SK | Stanley Kubrick | 4 | B | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 182 | Introduction to Environmental Media | 4 | C | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 188A | Basic Screenwriting | 4 | A | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 188SS | Storytelling for the Screen | 4 | D | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 188WS | Workshop for the Screen | 4 | E | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 192FC | Theories of Filmgoing and Mass Culture | 5 | A | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 46 | Introduction to Cinema | 5 | A | F, WRT |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 46 | Introduction to Cinema | 5 | B | F, WRT |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 70 | Media Criticism | 5 | A | |
Film and Media Studies | FAMST 96 | Advanced Film Analysis | 5 | B | |
Feminist Studies | FEMST W 150 | Sex, Love, and Romance ONLINE | 5 | B | WRT |
Feminist Studies | FEMST W 20 | Gender and Power: Introduction to Feminist Studies | 5 | A | D, WRT |
Feminist Studies | FEMST W 20 | Gender and Power: Introduction to Feminist Studies | 5 | B | D, WRT |
Feminist Studies | FEMST W 80 | Introduction to LGBTQ Studies | 5 | A | WRT |
Feminist Studies | FEMST W 80 | Introduction to LGBTQ Studies | 5 | B | WRT |
Feminist Studies | FEMST W 150 | Sex, Love, and Romance ONLINE | 5 | A | WRT |
French and Italian | FR 1 | Elementary French | 5 | D | |
French and Italian | FR 154G | Post-Colonial Cultures | 4 | B | E, G, NWC, WRT |
French and Italian | ITAL 139FX | Gastronomic Italy: Italian Food Culture in Translation Perspective | 4 | B | E, EUR |
French and Italian | FR 154I | Economic Fictions: Literature, Film, and Theory | 4 | B | E, G, WRT |
French and Italian | FR 156A | French Cinema: History & Theory | 4 | A | F, WRT |
Geography | GEOG 176A | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | 5 | A | |
Geography | GEOG 2 | World Regions | 5 | A | D, NWC |
Geography | GEOG 20 | Geog of Surfing | 5 | B | D |
Geography | GEOG 6 | Sex, Drugs, & Geography | 5 | B | D |
Geography | GEOG W 12 | Maps and Spatial Reasoning | 5 | A | C |
Geography | GEOG W 8 | Living with Global Warming ONLINE | 5 | B | C, QNT, WRT |
Germanic and Slavic Studies | GER 116A | Representations of the Holocaust | 4 | B | E, G, WRT |
Germanic and Slavic Studies | GER 2 | Elementary German | 5 | E | H |
Germanic and Slavic Studies | GER 3 | Elementary German | 5 | F | B, H |
Germanic and Slavic Studies | GER 1 | Elementary German | 5 | D | |
Global Studies | GLOBL 1 | Global History, Culture and Ideology | 4 | A | E, NWC |
Global Studies | GLOBL 2 | Global Socioeconomic and Political Processes | 4 | B | D |
Global Studies | GLOBL W 13 | Global Climate Justice from the South | 4 | B | |
History | HIST 74 | Poverty, Inequality and Social Justice in Historical and Global Context | 5 | B | D, E, WRT |
History | HIST 87 | Japanese History Through Art and Literature | 4 | A | E, NWC, WRT |
History | HIST 9 | Historical Investigations: Methods and Skills | 4 | B | |
History | HIST W 121A | Renaissance Italy: 1300-1550 | 4 | B | E, EUR, WRT |
History | HIST W 17B | The American People (Sectional Crisis through Progressivism) | 4 | A | D, AMH, WRT |
History | HIST W 2A | World History ONLINE | 4 | A | E, E1, EUR, WRT |
History | HIST 112C | Disaster and Reform in Rome | 4 | A | |
History | HIST W 4B | Modern Europe ONLINE | 4 | A | E, E1, EUR, WRT |
History | HIST 114C | History of Christianity: 1300-1648 | 4 | B | E, WRT |
History | HIST W 56 | Mexican History - Pre-Hispanic Era to Present | 4 | B | NWC, WRT |
History | HIST 141B | Twentieth-Century Britain | 4 | A | |
History | HIST W 80 | Chinese Civilization ONLINE | 4 | A | E, NWC, WRT |
History | HIST 170B | A History of Social Policy in the United States | 4 | A | |
History | HIST W 80 | Chinese Civilization ONLINE | 4 | B | E, NWC, WRT |
History | HIST 17C | The American People (World War I to the Present) | 4 | B | D, AMH, WRT |
History | HIST 184A | History of China (Ancient to 589 CE) | 4 | B | |
History | HIST 187S | The Samurai | 4 | B | |
History | HIST 189E | History of the Pacific | 4 | A | E, NWC, WRT |
History | HIST 189M | South Asian Public Culture | 4 | A | |
History | HIST 2C | World History (1700 CE to Present) | 4 | B | E, E1, EUR, WRT |
SS Instruction-Campus | INT 86XX | First Year Discovery Seminar | 1 | B | |
SS Instruction-Campus | INT 86XX | First Year Discovery Seminar | 1 | G | |
SS Instruction-Campus | INT 186ED | Transfer Edge Seminar | 1 | B | |
Latin American and Iberian Studies | LAIS 101 | Interdisciplinary Approaches to the History and Societies of Latin America | 4 | B | G, WRT |
Linguistics | LING 127 | Psychology of Language | 4 | B | |
Linguistics | LING 145 | Articulatory Phonetics | 4 | A | |
Linguistics | LING 147CS | Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders | 4 | A | |
Linguistics | LING 147LD | Language Disorders | 4 | B | |
Linguistics | LING 180 | Language, Race and Ethnicity | 4 | B | D, ETH, WRT |
Linguistics | LING 20 | Language And Linguistics | 5 | A | D |
Linguistics | LING W 106 | Introduction to Phonetics | 4 | A | C |
Linguistics | LING W 15 | Language in Life | 5 | B | C, E |
Linguistics | LING W 3C | Academic English | 4 | A | |
English for Multilingual Students | LING W 12 | UNIV WRIT FOR MLING | 5 | A | SUB |
English for Multilingual Students | LING W 12 | UNIV WRIT FOR MLING | 5 | B | SUB |
Mathematics | MATH 124A | Part Diff Equations | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 6A | Vector Calculus with Applications, First Course | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 124B | Fourier Series and Numerical Methods | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 6B | Vector Calculus with Applications, Second Course | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 145 | Intro to Topology | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 6B | Vector Calculus with Applications, Second Course | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 147A | Differential Geometry | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 8 | Transition to Higher Mathematics | 5 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 34A | Calculus for Social and Life Sciences | 4 | A | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 8 | Transition to Higher Mathematics | 5 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 34A | Calculus for Social and Life Sciences | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 104A | Introduction Into Numerical Analysis | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 34B | Calculus for Social and Life Sciences | 4 | A | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 104B | Numerical Analysis | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 34B | Calculus for Social and Life Sciences | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 104C | Advanced Topics in Numerical Analysis | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 3A | Calculus with Applications, First Course | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 108A | Intro to Linear Alg | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 3B | Calculus with Applications, Second Course | 4 | A | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 108B | Adv Linear Alg | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 3B | Calculus with Applications, Second Course | 4 | B | C, QNT |
Mathematics | MATH 117 | Methods of Analysis | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 4A | Linear Algebra with Applications | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 117 | Methods of Analysis | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 4A | Linear Algebra with Applications | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 119A | Ordinary Differential Equations | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 4B | Differential Equations | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 119B | Chaotic Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 4B | Differential Equations | 4 | B | |
Mathematics | MATH 122A | Introduction to Theory of Complex Variables | 4 | A | |
Mathematics | MATH 6A | Vector Calculus with Applications, First Course | 4 | A | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB W 111 | Human Physiology | 4 | B | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 101A | Molecular Genetics I: Prokaryotes | 4 | A | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 101B | Molecular Genetics II: Eukaryotes | 4 | B | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 108A | General Biochemistry | 4 | A | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 108B | Biochemistry - Bioenergetics, Enzymology, and Metabolism | 4 | B | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 109L | Laboratory in Biochemistry | 4 | A | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 138 | Medical Immunology | 4 | B | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 1A | Introductory Biology I | 4 | A | C |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 1B | Introductory Biology II-Physiology | 3 | B | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 1LL | Intro Biology Lab I | 1.5 | C | |
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | MCDB 6 | Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology for Brain Sciences | 4 | A | |
Mechanical Engineering | ME 14 | Statics | 4 | D | |
Mechanical Engineering | ME 15 | Strength of Materials | 4 | F | |
Mechanical Engineering | ME 17 | Mathematics of Engineering | 3 | B | |
Mechanical Engineering | ME W 16 | Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics | 4 | B | |
Music | MUS 11 | Fundamentals of Music | 5 | A | F |
Music | MUS 11 | Fundamentals of Music | 5 | B | F |
Music | MUS 114 | Music and Popular Culture in America | 4 | A | F, WRT |
Music | MUS 15 | Music Appreciation | 5 | A | F, WRT |
Music | MUS 15 | Music Appreciation | 5 | B | F, WRT |
Music | MUS 16 | Listening to Jazz: Demystifying Americas Musical Art Form | 5 | B | F, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 141 | History of Ethics | 4 | A | |
Philosophy | PHIL 149 | Action Theory | 4 | A | |
Philosophy | PHIL 3 | Critical Thinking | 5 | B | E |
Philosophy | PHIL 4 | Introduction to Ethics | 5 | A | E, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 4 | Introduction to Ethics | 5 | B | E, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 7 | Biomedical Ethics | 5 | A | WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 1 | Short Introduction to Philosophy | 5 | B | E, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 100A | Ethics | 4 | B | E, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 100D | Philosophy of Mind | 4 | A | E, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 100F | Introduction to the Philosophy of Science | 4 | A | E, WRT |
Philosophy | PHIL 117 | Philosophy of Computing & AI | 4 | B | |
Political Science | POL S 1 | Introduction to Political Philosophy | 5 | B | WRT |
Political Science | POL S 101 | Mexican Politics | 4 | B | |
Political Science | POL S 12 | American Government and Politics | 5 | B | D, AMH, WRT |
Political Science | POL S 145 | European Union Politics | 4 | A | |
Political Science | POL S 186 | Intro to Political Economy | 4 | B | |
Political Science | POL S 6 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 5 | A | |
Political Science | POL S 7 | Introduction to International Relations | 5 | A | WRT |
Political Science | POL S W 121 | International Politics | 4 | A | D, WRT |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 10 | Introduction to Computing for Data Science | 5 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 5LS | Statistics for Life Science | 5 | A | C, QNT |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 100 | Data Science Concepts and Analysis | 4 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 8 | Transitions to Data Science, Probability and Statistics | 5 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 120A | Probability and Statistics | 4 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 8 | Transitions to Data Science, Probability and Statistics | 5 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 120B | Probability and Statistics | 4 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT W 120A | Probability and Statistics ONLINE | 4 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 120C | Probability and Statistics | 4 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT W 160A | Applied Stochastic Processes ONLINE | 4 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 126 | Regression Analysis | 4 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT W 182T | Tutorial in Actuarial Statistics ONLINE | 2 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 126 | Regression Analysis | 4 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 130 | SAS Base Programming | 4 | D | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 130 | SAS Base Programming | 4 | E | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 140 | Statistical Process Control | 4 | D | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 160A | Applied Stochastic Processes | 4 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 160B | Applied Stochastic Processes | 4 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 171 | Mathematics of Fixed Income Markets | 4 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 194TR | Transfer Exploration Seminar: Statistics & Data Science | 2 | B | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 5A | Statistics | 5 | A | C, QNT |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 10 | Introduction to Computing for Data Science | 5 | A | |
Statistics and Applied Probability | PSTAT 5A | Statistics | 5 | B | C, QNT |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 10B | Statistical Methods in Psychology | 5 | A | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 10B | Statistical Methods in Psychology | 5 | B | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 111 | Basic Concepts in Biopsychology | 4 | A | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 120L | Laboratory in Advanced Research Methods | 5 | A | WRT |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 133 | Psychopharmacology: Psychotherapeutic Drugs | 4 | B | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 143 | Human Relationships | 4 | A | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 102 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 4 | A | D |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 149 | Social Psychology of Close Relationships | 4 | B | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 102 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 4 | B | D |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 154 | Cultural Psychology | 4 | A | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 105 | Developmental Psychology | 4 | A | D |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 155 | Evolution and Cognition | 4 | B | |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 105 | Developmental Psychology | 4 | B | D |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY W 1 | Introduction to Psychology | 5 | A | D |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 106 | Intro Biopsych | 4 | A | C |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 106 | Intro Biopsych | 4 | B | C |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 108 | Introduction to Cognitive Psychology | 4 | A | C |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 108 | Introduction to Cognitive Psychology | 4 | B | C |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 10A | Research Methods in Psychology | 5 | A | WRT |
Psychological and Brain Sciences | PSY 10A | Research Methods in Psychology | 5 | B | WRT |
Religious Studies | RG ST 7 | Introduction to American Religion | 4 | A | D, AMH, WRT |
Religious Studies | RG ST 1 | Introduction to the Study of Religion | 4 | B | E, WRT |
Religious Studies | RG ST 101 | New Religious Movements | 4 | B | |
Religious Studies | RG ST 110 | Religion and Literature | 4 | B | |
Religious Studies | RG ST 21 | Zen Buddhism | 4 | A | E, NWC, WRT |
Religious Studies | RG ST 4 | Introduction to Buddhism | 5 | A | E, NWC, WRT |
Religious Studies | RG ST 4 | Introduction to Buddhism | 5 | B | E, NWC, WRT |
Sociology | SOC W 10 | Logics of Sociological Inquiry | 5 | B | WRT |
Sociology | SOC 1 | Introduction to Sociology | 5 | A | D |
Sociology | SOC W 155 | Sociology of Gender | 4 | A | |
Sociology | SOC 1 | Introduction to Sociology | 5 | B | D |
Sociology | SOC 108C | Methods of Cultural Analysis | 4 | A | |
Sociology | SOC 108C | Methods of Cultural Analysis | 4 | B | |
Sociology | SOC 122 | Social Stratification | 4 | A | |
Sociology | SOC 128 | Sociology of Race & Ethnicity | 4 | A | ETH, WRT |
Sociology | SOC 145 | Social Inequalities | 4 | B | |
Sociology | SOC 147 | Social Psychology | 4 | A | |
Sociology | SOC 153 | Women and Work | 4 | A | D, ETH, WRT |
Sociology | SOC 155 | Sociology of Gender | 4 | B | |
Sociology | SOC 164 | Sociology of Education | 4 | B | |
Sociology | SOC 170 | Sociology of Deviant Behavior | 4 | B | WRT |
Sociology | SOC 173 | Sociology of Law | 4 | A | |
Sociology | SOC 185E | Introduction to Ethnomethodology | 4 | B | |
Sociology | SOC 185S | Special Topics in Social Theory | 4 | A | |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN 126 | Spanish Cinema | 4 | B | F |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN 139 | US Latino Lit | 4 | A | G, ETH |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN 177 | Spanish-American Thought | 4 | B | E, NWC |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN W 1 | Elementary Spanish ONLINE | 4 | A | |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN W 1 | Elementary Spanish ONLINE | 4 | B | |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN W 2 | Elementary Spanish W 2 ONLINE | 4 | A | |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN W 2 | Elementary Spanish W 2 ONLINE | 4 | B | |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN W 3 | Elementary Spanish W 3 ONLINE | 4 | A | |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPAN W 3 | Elementary Spanish W 3 ONLINE | 4 | B | |
Technology Management | TMP 120 | Business Strategy and Leadership Skills | 4 | B | |
Technology Management | TMP 127 | Managing Tech Orgs | 4 | A | |
Writing | WRIT 109F | Writing About Film | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 109SS | Writing for the Social Sciences | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 2 | Academic Writing | 5 | A | A1 |
Writing | WRIT 2 | Academic Writing | 5 | B | A1 |
Writing | WRIT 50 | Writing and the Research Process | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 105M | Multimedia Writing | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 107B | Business and Administrative Writing | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 107B | Business and Administrative Writing | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 107WC | Writing for Web Content | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 1 | Approaches to University Writing | 5 | B | SUB |
Writing | WRIT W 107WC | Writing for Web Content | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 105C | Writing Creative Nonfiction | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 109ST | Writing for Science and Technology ONLINE | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 105G | Grammar and Stylistics | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 109ST | Writing for Science and Technology ONLINE | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 105PS | Writing for Public Speaking | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 6R | Rome: The Game | 4 | A | E, F, EUR, WRT |
Writing | WRIT 105R | Rhetoric and Writing | 4 | B | A2 |
Writing | WRIT W 6R | Rome: The Game | 4 | B | E, F, EUR, WRT |
Writing | WRIT 107G | Professional Writing for Global Careers | 4 | A | A2 |
Writing | WRIT 107M | Magazine Writing for Publication | 4 | A | A2 |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111MC | Media Arts & Design Skills: Musical Computation & Design | 4 | B | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111NW | Non Western Technologies | 4 | A | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111PC | Media Arts & Design Skills: Introduction to Physical Computing | 4 | B | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111PF | MAD Skills: Materialize: Prototyping and Fabrication | 4 | B | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111WN | Media Arts & Design Skills: Web-Based Interactive Narratives | 4 | B | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 189 | Media Arts and Design Capstone | 2 | B | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 10 | Introduction to Media Arts & Design | 4 | A | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 110CF | Media Arts & Design: Concepts and Fundamentals | 4 | A | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111AU | Media Arts & Design Skills: Audio Engineering, Sound Design, and Generative Music Systems | 4 | B | |
Media Arts & Technology | MAT 111FS | Media Arts & Design Skills: MAD Fundamental Skills | 4 | A | |
Materials | MATRL 101 | Introduction to the Structure and Properties of Materials | 3 | E | |
College of Creative Studies | W&L CSW 15 | Intro to Creative Writing | 4 | A | |
College of Creative Studies | W&L CSW 15 | Intro to Creative Writing | 4 | B |