2025 RMP Mentor Applications are now open!
Scroll below to submit your application.
Program Information
Program dates: June 16 – August 1, 2025
- Project Pitches: scheduled on June 16 – June 18, 2025
- Research Mentorship: June 23 – July 29, 2025
- Research Symposium: July 30 – August 1, 2025
RMP is a unique and rigorous six-week summer program that engages talented high school students from all over the world in interdisciplinary, hands-on, university-level research. Join our program as a mentor and help create an academically inspiring summer for our next generation of researchers.
A notable feature of the program is that students select a research project during a four-day virtual component (June 16 – 20) before arriving on campus.
- Mentors will have an opportunity to pitch and showcase their research projects to the entire RMP cohort
- Students then submit their preferences and are matched with a project based on a series of proven criteria
- On their first day on campus (June 23), students will be introduced to their assigned mentors and begin their research work
Ideal mentors are researchers who:
- want to share their passion for research and their field of expertise with highly qualified and motivated students;
- can guide project(s) to completion so that students can present their findings at the RMP Research Symposium and Poster Session that takes place in the final days of the program.
Mentor Stipend
$1,300* per student
Each Mentor may supervise up to 4 students to earn up to $5,200 in Summer Session A
Up to $60 in research supplies per mentored student will be apportioned (with prior approval and purchased by Pre-College Programs)
$50 Amazon gift card is guaranteed if you and your project(s) are not selected by students
*Mentors can choose to receive a stipend (payroll) or research funds managed by their department of choice.
Mentor Eligibility
Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Scientist, or Faculty
Must be available (on campus) during the program dates—short travel trips are acceptable during this period as long as it does not impact student support
All disciplines considered in STEM, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education (interdisciplinary preferred)
The last day to withdraw a mentorship appointment is June 1, 2025. Withdrawing past this date will require you to find a replacement mentor.
Project Eligibility
Ideal projects will be interdisciplinary and will engage mentees in developing and executing research skills related to the mentor’s ongoing research.
Mentors may submit up to 2 distinct research projects
Up to 2 students are allowed per project; however, each mentee must investigate a unique question within the six-week timeframe of the program
Proposed project(s) must have a hands-on component (i.e., computational, theory, field, lab, survey, archival, primary source analysis, etc.)
For guidance, please review sample project descriptions from previous years.
Mentor Training
2025 Training session dates will be posted soon!
Virtual Project Pitches
June 16 – June 18, 2025 (scheduled)
Mentors will pitch each project to the RMP cohort during the virtual component of the program. This process ensures that the student is not only interested in the research topic but also meets the technical requirements of the project.
Mentors will have 7 minutes to pitch a project and take questions from the audience. They will also be invited to attend break sessions to meet with students directly and answer additional questions. Mentors will be able to choose session blocks in the application form.
Mentors must meet their student(s) regularly during the program. We recommend that Mentors meet with their mentee(s) for one hour every other day, in addition to answering general email communication, outside of required course and program activities. Beyond these scheduled meetings, students are expected to work independently 35–50 hours weekly on their research projects and assignments.
To Apply
Please click here to submit your application!
Contact us
If you have any questions about the program or your research project proposal, please contact Teresa Holden.