Speech-Language Sciences & Disorders

The Speech-Language Sciences and Disorders minor provides students with much of the preparation for pursuing professional degrees to become speech-language pathologists and audiologists.  Courses comprising the minor cover areas that are foundational for graduate study in Communication Sciences and Disorders, including acoustic phonetics, articulatory phonetics, auditory phonetics, language acquisition, psychology of language, and clinical linguistics.

The minor in Speech-Language Sciences & Disorders consists of one required lower-division course (LING 20), five required upper-division courses, and one upper-division elective. LING 20 is offered every Summer, so students can begin the minor at any time.  Half of the upper-division courses are taught each Summer, so students must either complete the minor over two Summers, or use a combination of Summer and academic year courses.

View the full Minor Sheet to see all program requirements.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Because only half of the upper-division courses required for the minor are offered each Summer, students wishing to complete the minor using only Summer courses must plan to take 3 upper-division courses in the first Summer, and 3 upper-division courses in the second Summer.

Minor Courses Offered in Summer 2024:

LING 20 – Languages and Linguistics (Session A)

Introduction to the scientific study of language: The sounds of language; word and sentence structure; semantics and pragmatics; discourse and conversational speech; the social and cultural functions of language; language change and the reconstruction of languages at earlier stages.

LING 106 – Introduction to Phonetics (Session A)

An introduction to the articulatory and acoustic properties of speech sounds. Survey of speech sounds found in the languages of the world. Emphasis on ear training and transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet.

LING 137 – Introduction to First Language Acquisition (Session B)

An introduction to the interdisciplinary enterprise of understanding first language acquisition, overview of different theoretical and methodological approaches, and introduction to developmental processes in sub-areas such as phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax and semantics.

LING 147LD – Language Disorders (Session B)

Introduces a broad overview of the differential characteristics of language disorders and the principles of assessment and treatment.
Note: requires a petition to apply to the minor; by petition, may be applied to minor area B, C, D, E, or F

Contact undergradadvisor@linguistics.ucsb.edu with questions or to declare the minor.